Get your story straight®

You can scale your brand and business when you get your story straight. We help leaders create clear, concise, consistent messaging — tailored to each target audience — so everyone on your team is aligned and always on message.

The image depicts a businessman or business owner in a white shirt at the center of a whirlpool, which consists of various icons that represent branding elements, communication and media channels, such as social media, website, presentation, funnels, traffic, lead magnets, brand style guides, narrative, brand tone of voice, reviews, etc.

live up to your brand promise

Clarify Your brand Purpose

Your brand purpose is the difference you make beyond making money. Work with us to clarify your purpose and the other four elements of your brand foundation: brand position, brand promise, brand pillars and brand personality.

Several business people seeing a guiding North Star represent a brand purpose statement.

Articulate Your brand Value

Brand messaging speaks to all your audiences at a high level. Product messaging articulates your value for each audience. We'll help you create a messaging framework that includes all aspects of your functional and emotional benefits.

A picture depicts a man who represents a member of the target audience group. He receives many messages and communication from a business representative. He is receiving a lot of information, and he needs to process it. That is why messaging needs to be articulated to make this process easier for the prospective customer.

Codify Your brand Culture

Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do." Codifying brand behaviors that live up to your brand promise creates a self-correcting brand culture that produces fruitful relationships with your employees and customers.

A tree with diamonds as fruits and big roots represents a brand culture that produces fruitful relationships with employees and customers under the treetop.
A composite image containing three images. Image 1 shows several business people seeing a guiding North Star represent a brand purpose statement. Image 2 depicts a man who represents a member of the target audience group. He receives many messages and communication from a business representative. He is receiving a lot of information, and he needs to process it. That is why messaging needs to be articulated to make this process easier for the prospective customer. Image 3   features a tree with diamonds as fruits and big roots represents a brand culture that produces fruitful relationships with employees and customers under the treetop.
The image depicts the Backstory Brand Wheel™ Framework with the following rings highlighted: brand foundation, brand expression and brand activation. Every ring has its elements, and each step builds on the last to complete the branding process. The wheel looks like a target with brand purpose at the center of it.
Applied Storytelling Brand Wheel™ concept used with permission
align your brand inside and out

Build a brand that scales

Backstory Branding aims to create your desired brand perception with the right words, images, and experiences. The Backstory Brand Wheel™ Framework guides the branding process, so you can make and keep a differentiated brand promise at scale. Now you can track your progress and build buy-in each step of the way.

Take our Brand Assessment